1. 微分子褐藻醣膠
海藻類植物,例如褐藻,富含褐藻醣膠(fucoidan)。褐藻醣膠是一種多醣體,文獻指出,具有維持免疫系統功能和抗氧化能力的潛力7, 9, 15, 19。
2. 酵素固態發酵培養的牛樟芝萃取粉末
研究顯示,牛樟芝(Taiwanofunguscamphoratus)所含的β-葡聚糖(β-glucan)18,具有抗癌10、抗氧化和維持免疫力6, 14的作用,也可保護肝臟機能12, 13, 20。
3. 富含ω3脂肪酸的魚油
魚油為EPA和DHA的主要來源,而EPA和DHA屬於ω3脂肪酸11。研究指出,ω3脂肪酸有助於維持免疫力和抗氧化,雖然魚油在貓的疾病應用研究上仍在發展中,但有些研究顯示ω3脂肪酸對腎臟病、骨關節炎、皮膚疾病和癌症是有所幫助的2, 4, 5, 9, 16。
獸研所的成貓免疫保養主食罐,除了依據美國飼料品管協會(Association of American FeedControl Officials, AAFCO),美國國家科學研究委員會(National Research Council, NRC)和歐洲寵物食品產業聯盟(European Pet Food IndustryFederation, FEDIAF)的成貓每日基本營養需求建議量1, 8, 17進行配方之外,獸研所以優質的動物性蛋白來源,包含雞胸肉、鮭魚和鮪魚等,並佐以雞油,以提供成貓蛋白質和脂質的營養基礎,並加入維生素、礦物質和必需胺基酸,並加入洋車前子膳食纖維,以維護腸道健康。除此之外,更添加「褐藻、牛樟芝、魚油」,並搭配天然抗氧化劑維生素E以維持免疫力2, 9,從成貓期開始吃的營養,期許能讓他們健康的走到熟齡貓期。
除了營養均衡外,適量的飲食攝取也很重要!能量攝取不足在成貓可能造成體重減輕和肌肉消瘦的問題;反之,能量攝取過剩則會造成肥胖的問題2, 5。肥胖是造成癌症及其他成貓慢性疾病的風險因子之一3,因此,飲食量的控制和運動量的調整,有助於維持體態,對守護貓咪的健康很重要!
By 獸研所 品牌共同創辦人暨研發長|梁雁婷 獸醫師
1. AAFCO,Association of American Feed Control Officials (2014) The AAFCO Dog and CatFood Nutrient Profiles.
2. AnnWortinger, Kara M. Burns (2015) Nutrition and Disease Management for VeterinaryTechnicians and Nurses, 2nd Edition.
3. Armstrong,P. J. (2011) Feline Obesity: Disease Associations and Management World SmallAnimal Veterinary Association World Congress Proceedings. [Online] www.vin.com Available at: https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?id=5124195&pid=11343 [Accessed: 15, January,2023]
4. Bauer,J. E. (2011) Therapeutic use of fish oils in companion animals. Journal of theAmerican Veterinary Medical Association, 239(11), 1441-1451.
5. Case.,et al. (2011) Canine and Feline Nutrition, 3rd edition.
6. Chen,Y. Y., Lo, C. P., Lin, C. C., et al. (2018) Effects of Taiwanofungus camphoratus on non-specific and specific immuneactivities in mice. Mycology, 9(2),129-135.
7. Cotas,J., Pacheco, D., Gonçalves, A. M., et al. (2021) Seaweeds’ nutraceutical andbiomedical potential in cancer therapy: A concise review. Journal of cancermetastasis and treatment, 7-13.
8. FEDIAF,European Pet Food Industry Federation (2020) Nutritional Guidelines forComplete and Complementary Pet Food for Cats and Dogs.
9. Ferdous,U. T., & Yusof, Z. N. B. (2021) Medicinal prospects of antioxidants fromalgal sources in cancer therapy. Frontiersin Pharmacology, 12, 593116.
10. Hung, H. Y., Hung, C. C.,Liang, J. W., et al. (2019) Constituents and anti-multidrug resistance activityof Taiwanofungus camphoratus on humancervical cancer cells. Molecules,24(20), 3730.
11. Lenox, C. E. (2016). Role ofdietary fatty acids in dogs & cats. TodayVet. Pract.
12. Li, B., Kuang, Y., He, J. B.,et al. (2019) Antcamphorols A–K, cytotoxic and ROS scavenging triterpenoidsfrom Antrodia camphorata. Journal ofnatural products, 83(1), 45-54.
13. Lin, J. Y., Chen, M. C.,& Chiu, E. (2019) Genotoxicity and subchronic toxicity studies ofTaiwanofungus camphoratus extract.Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 6(3), 81-106.
14. Lin, L. H., Chi, C. H.,Zhang, X. H., et al. (2019) Immunomodulatory Effects of Fruiting Body Extractand Solid-State-Cultivated Mycelia of Taiwanofungus camphoratus. Nutrients, 11(9), 2256.
15. Luthuli, S., Wu, S., Cheng, Y.,et al. (2019) Therapeutic effects of fucoidan: A review on recent studies. Marine Drugs, 17(9), 487.
16. Magalhaes, T. R., Lourenco,A. L., Gregorio, H., et al. (2021) Therapeutic Effect of EPA/DHASupplementation in Neoplastic and Non-neoplastic Companion Animal Diseases: ASystematic Review. in vivo, 35(3),1419-1436.
17. NRC, National ResearchCouncil (2006) Nutrient requirements of dogs and cats.
18. Patel, S., & Goyal, A.(2012). Recent developments in mushrooms as anti-cancer therapeutics: a review.3 Biotech, 2(1), 1-15.
19. Van Weelden, G., Bobiński,M., Okła, K., et al. (2019) Fucoidan structure and activity in relation toanti-cancer mechanisms. Marine drugs, 17(1), 32.
20. Wang, C., Zhang, W., Wong, J.H., et al. (2019) Diversity of potentially exploitable pharmacologicalactivities of the highly prized edible medicinal fungus Antrodiacamphorata. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 103(19),7843-7867.
21. 犬貓十大死因出爐!癌症雙冠 [online] www.apatw.org Available at: https://www.apatw.org/project-article/2867 [Accessed:07, January, 2023]